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December 29, 2023

Bonneville Salt Flats Engagements || Sophie & Christian

Posted in: Destination Wedding, Elopement, Engagements

When Sophie told me her engagement session vision I was on cloud 9! Inspired by their upcoming destination wedding in Santorini, Greece she wanted to go to the Bonneville Salt Flats. She was drawn in by the crisp whites, cool blue tones that reminded her of the Aegean Sea & the adventurous feeling as you step on onto a view unlike any other.

The morning of their engagement session most of the weather reports showed a thunderstorm but one showed a prediction where the salt flats were going to be near it, but not rained on. So we chose to drive out & manifest for the best! Not only did we not get any rain, we got the most beautiful sky, and the perfect amount of wind. I swear this wind was sent straight from Greece because the way Sophie’s hair & dresses was blown around looks just like the photos you see of couples at the Mystique Hotel in Santorini!

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